All across
the country, in various towns and villages, there is the annual switching on of
the local Christmas Tree lights. The
tree itself is usually a bedraggled nonentity most of the year (if it is a
permanent town resident), but on a certain day at a certain time of year it
springs into life as a symbol of the start of the festive period. Depending on which town, village or city you
live in, the switching on affair can range from a group of people simply
plugging in the lights to a full blown fiesta with pop and rock bands and
celebrities counting down. Fleet falls
in between both categories.
One of the
duties of a pantomime crew is to attend as many switch ons as possible
(preferably locally) in order to promote the pantomime and get ‘bums on seats’. The weather forecast for the Fleet lights
switch on was looking a bit grim, but we had been told to deck the kids out in
their purple Dick Whittington t-shirts with layers – even coats- underneath the
t-shirts. And so it was that 36 roly
poly kids wandered into the Harlington Centre visibly sweating as they weebled through
rehearsals, and shedding layers as they worked.
Amanda, as Fairy BowBells, floated fragrantly past as Caz started to
bellow out instructions to the children in her best army major Head Chaperone
P, my
cohort on the chaperoning course, and also her husband, was skulking in the
background looking for all the world like a Mexican bandido. ‘What have you
come as?’ I asked cheerily, after greeting him.
‘Movember’ he replied in a muffled voice, as Caz turned to find out who
the noisy insubordinates were. A
reporter from the local newspaper and his videographer started to record the
kids singing and Little Man looked enthralled as he jiggled his hands and head and
the pompom on his Christmas hat bobbed up and down. (Note to self: good mummy for not sewing on
gold bells, it would have been reminiscent of Noddy on acid).
Then it was
all hands on deck and into a rehearsal for the three songs with the full
cast. The Dame was wearing an outrageous
outfit and this time resembled a mulitcoloured crocheted dalek with a voluminous
hooped skirt, topped off with a plant pot (and flower), perched jauntily on her
head. Unfortunately she kept forgetting
this, and on several occasions got trapped in the door jamb. Layton Williams looked like something out of
Narnia as he stretched and pirouetted excitedly, his lithe body clothed in a
white shirt and tight fitting breeches, replete with furry tail.
At this
point I spoke to the reporter, who was looking out of the window at the rain
shimmying off the roads. It turned out
that his patch also covered Aldershot, which has a renowned panto scene. How did ours, I asked, compare to our
rivals? His answer was that Aldershot
was a much bigger affair, more cast, crew and a theatre with an established
panto base. He looked thoughtfully at
our merry band as they all trilled together in perfect harmony. ‘Of course’, he
said, ‘It doesn’t necessarily have to be big to be good.’ I could have given
him a hug.
‘Loo break!’
called Caz, ‘Anyone need the loo before we go outside?’ ‘Not me’ answered Jeremy Edwards cheerfully
as she shot him a stern look. P handed
out a glow stick to each child who hung it around their necks as a little
beacon of light. And quickly we all filed out into the crisp air.
Hundreds of
people were gathered expectantly in front of the stage. Fairground attractions, stalls, the smell of
donuts and the sound of the candyfloss machine – all surrounded our little
troupe as they stood there smiling away glowing radioactively in the dusk. A huge roar erupted as the stars of the show
walked on to the small wet stage, ‘Jeremy!’ called an ecstatic woman behind me.
having fun?’ called Fairy BowBells as
she launched into the first song. Then
the stars took it in turns to introduce themselves. ‘Jeremy!’ shrieked his fan. Then The Pyromaniacs took the floor in front
of the stage launching balls of fire up into the air and shooting flames from
their mouths. ‘Jeremy’ said the groupie faintly as the flames came dangerously close
to us.
Five, Four,
Three, Two, One! The roars were
deafening. Nothing happened. No lights.
Nada. Jeremy’s handsome face
looked a little perplexed. Someone in
the crowd began to snigger, and then Fairy BowBells clapped her hands and
pointed at the tree as it suddenly sprang into life in a myriad of twinkling
white lights. Oooooohhhh! Went the crowd
and burst into wild clapping and back slapping all round.
I went into
the hall to collect my son. Little Man
was standing, feet together, arms held outwards slightly. He had been decorated in all the left over
glow sticks. ‘Look Mummy’, he said, ‘I’m
a Christmas Tree.’
The countdown
to Christmas has well and truly begun…
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